Express your faith and individual style with a string of non-magnetic hematite semi-precious stones forming a beautiful silver cross. Wear this iconic accessory with confidence and sophistication. Make an order online!
The string is an extraordinarily beautiful and elegant accessory made with the semi-precious stone HEMATITE. Each bead is carefully crafted and has a stunning metallic luster that adds glamor and style to the wearer. The cross formed by the beads gives the jewelry additional spiritual meaning and symbolism.
• Hematite Semi-Precious Stone: HEMATITE is known for its therapeutic properties and ability to balance energy and provide stability. It combines beauty and mysticism in one, creating a unique visual presence.
• Electroplate in silver color: Electroplate silver gives this string a sophisticated and modern look. It combines the beauty of silver with the unique texture of hematite.
• You can create an amazing piece of jewelry cord, beautiful elegant pendants, connecting elements, tips and others .
This amazing thong is suitable for wearing anytime and for any occasion. It combines style, elegance and spirituality, providing the wearer with a unique piece of jewelry that will set them apart. Wear it with pride and faith as a symbol of your style and spiritual path. This string would make an ideal gift for yourself or someone who appreciates the beauty and symbolism of jewelry.
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