Discover the magic of handmade projects with a unique rectangular wood connector with an print of "Embroidery". Add the symbolism of protection and wisdom to any work. Make an order online!
• This interesting connecting element adds significance and aesthetics to any creative work. This product is made with extreme attention to detail and high quality materials, which ensures not only functionality, but also magic in every piece made.
• The wood gives the tile a warm and welcoming look while providing strength and durability. It gives naturalness and organicity to the product, making it a perfect choice for various types of creative projects. You can make martenitsi or other accessories with this element. You could add back cards, or cellophane envelopes, with which you can pack the wonderful martenitsi.
• Whether you’re a professional craftsman or just a hobbyist, this Wood Connector with Embroidery motif will inspire you to create something unique and magical that reflects your personality and style.
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