Only in EM ART stores, you will find a rich collection of imitation pearl beads. Take advantage of low prices and high quality. Order online with fast delivery to an address of your choice.
The pearl beads in the EM ART catalog are an extremely popular choice for making jewelry and decorations, as well as one of the favorite materials for all hobbyists for making martenitsa. • Your jewelry will shine with a wide selection of pearls - artificial pearls in various packages, sizes, and colors, heart and flower-shaped pearls, half-sphere pearls for gluing. If you want to make something intended only for formal events, you can use more delicate materials like Swarovski imitation, crystal, or glass beads. • In addition to imitation pearl beads, you can include wooden figurines, rubber figurines, connecting elements, and many other types of beads in your handmade martenitsa to create great decorations. • The size and price of each bead are described in its name. • If you are satisfied with our products and services, please give us 5 stars. Your positive feedback will help us continue to offer you great quality at affordable prices.
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