We present to you our beautiful bouquets of 6 roses in delicate pink color in the shape of a bud. Measuring 100x20 mm each, these roses are a symbol of grace and tenderness. Use them to decorate boxes, cards, frames and other creative projects to add an air of cute charm to your creations.
• These bouquets of roses in soft pink color will not only bring an atmosphere of beauty and sophistication, but also add your unique style to any creative work. Measuring 100x20 mm and a set of 6, these bouquets are the perfect addition to your collection of craft supplies.
• The delicate pink color gives the roses an extremely elegant and ethereal look, which makes them suitable for a variety of art projects and events. Whether you are about to create handmade cards, decorations for albums or decorations for a special occasion, these bouquets will give unique charm of your creative works.
• Use them to give a unique finish to your creative process. Decorate cards for birthday or holidays, decorate your albums with them, create exquisite frames for your favorite photos or simply place them as decoration in your home environment.
• With their delicate color and exquisite design, these rose bouquets in pink are the perfect addition to your creativity. Let them inspire you to create projects that exude beauty and sophistication, and tell your story with elegance and style.
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