Discover the sophistication of this rose bud bouquet in shimmering golden color. Comprised of 6 delicate roses measuring 100x20mm, this stunning decorative element will bring a luxurious and stylish accent to your project or decoration. Made with high-quality materials, this bouquet of golden roses is perfect for decorating boxes, cards, frames and other art projects.
• Welcome to the world of sophistication and beauty with these bouquets of roses in golden color. These magical accessories will add a touch of romance and class to any of your creations.
• Each rose is made with extreme attention to detail and quality of materials. The golden color gives roses a sophisticated look and shine that makes them suitable for different occasions and themes. Whether you are about to create a handmade card, an album decoration or a decoration for a special event, these bouquets are perfect solution for you.
• Use them to give your projects a unique and sophisticated finish. Decorate birthday or holiday cards, decorate your albums with them, create elegant frames for your favorite photos.
• Thanks to their beautiful design and impressive appearance, these rose bouquets in golden color are the perfect addition to your creativity. Let them be your inspiration for exquisite and stylish designs that will impress everyone with their refined look and elegance.
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