Elastic Cord White and Red
Еластичен шнур с различни оплетки в бяло и червено, изключително подходящ за изработката на гривни. С ластичния шнур не е необходимо да използвате закопчалки, а само мънисто с по-голям отвор, в което лесно може да слепите двата края на шнура. Големи намаления до -50%.

Best seller
Two-tone Knitted Elastic Cord / 4 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203092
Weight 163 gr
Pieces: 1
Price8.36 $

Red-White Elastic Cord for DIY MARTENITSAS / 4 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203091
Weight 163 gr
Pieces: 1
Price10.53 $

Best seller
Elastic MARTENITSA String / 4 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203090
Weight 164 gr
Pieces: 1
Price9.29 $

Red-White Band for MARTENITSAS / 5 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203089
Weight 165 gr
Pieces: 1
Price8.90 $

Best seller
Elastic MARTENITSA Tape / 5 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203085
Weight 162 gr
Pieces: 1
Price8.36 $

Knitted Two-color Band for DIY MARTENITSAS / 9 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203079
Weight 331 gr
Pieces: 1
Price11.61 $

Knitted Two-color Band for BABA MARTA Amulets / 9 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203077
Weight 325 gr
Pieces: 1
Price11.76 $

Knitted Elastic Strip for MARTENITSA Making / 11 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203075
Weight 355 gr
Pieces: 1
Price11.76 $

Elastic String for Handmade MARTENITSAS / 11 mm, K - 30 meters
SKU: 203074
Weight 341 gr
Pieces: 1
Price10.68 $

Elastic Cord for MARTENITSAS / 6 mm - 25 m
Take a look at the abundance of materials for martenitsas that we at EM ART offer you. Feel free to order bulk quantities online.
SKU: 203053
Weight 503 gr
Pieces: 1
Price8.51 $
for 1 piece
Discounts for quantity
Wholesale price
4.26 $
/ 2-9 piece
3.41 $
/ 10 piece +

Еlastic Тextile Тape for MARTENITSAS Мaking / 12 mm - 25 m
EM ART offers a wide variety of elastic cords for making March bracelets. Order online from the EM ART website quickly and conveniently.
SKU: 203057
Weight 239 gr
Pieces: 1
Price9.29 $